WKD 2014 – Glass of water Image

You can use this image to promote the idea of “Start the day by drinking a glass of water”. Please make sure you always mention the following disclaimer when talking about this idea: “Water may protect your kidneys, but it won’t cure from Chronic kidney disease”.

WKD 2015 logo translated

Here you can find some translations of different 2015 WKD campaign materials. Have a look at the right hand side column to find out what materials and languages are available. Do you want to contribute to it with your language? Don’t hesitate to send your translated file to info@worldkidneyday.org

WKD 2014 – Campaign Web Banners

Web Banners Guidelines Here you can find a range of WKD web banners in different sizes and shapes. Use the web banner to display World Kidney Day on your website and make the campaign even more visible! Please note that commercial use of the banners is NOT permitted. The banners cannot be associated with any […]

Giuseppe Remuzzi for World Kidney Day 2014

Video message by ISN President, Giuseppe Remuzzi, on chronic kidney disease and the consequences of this disease. Watch it and feel free to share it and use it during WKD events and celebrations!