Regional Reports WKD 2024

Here you can find regional reports for World Kidney Day 2024 that our champions kindly provided us with. Please take a look at the PDFs to have a better understanding of activities organized in various regions.

We are grateful to the following for sharing their reports:

  • Arabkir Medical Centre – Armenia
  • Kidney Awareness Monitoring & Prevention Society (KAMPS) – Bangladesh (website)
  • IFKF-WKA Hong Kong – Hong Kong (website)
  • Kidney Warriors Foundation, The George Institute for Global Health – India (website)
  • ONG Coeur En Eveil – Côte d’Ivoire (website)
  • FRENALA MTY – Mexico (website)
  • Organ Donation is a Heroic Act – Serbia
  • Slovenian Society of Nephrology – Slovenia (website)
  • Transplant Education for Living Legacies – South Africa (website)
  • Way of Life – Ukraine
